Sunday, November 6, 2011


I find myself staring at my reflection. It's not hard to do because there are mirrors everywhere!  You know when you dye your hair a different color, or if you shave your beard? The first time you catch a glimpse at yourself it scares you because it's not what you're used to seeing. I am so excited to be getting healthy and losing weight, but it's unsettling to not recognize yourself. Of course all change takes time to cope with, and I'm thrilled with how I's just weird.

I hope Lauren doesn't mind, but I'm using our pictures to illustrate my point. I spent this weekend in Philly at my friend Lauren's new apartment (which is awesome p.s and by the way). Once I got home and was looking through our pictures I realized that the last time we had our picture taken together was in May of 2010, a year and a half ago a few nights before college graduation. Lauren looks as beautiful as she's always been....but I LOOK LIKE A DIFFERENT PERSON. I'm not kidding (see picture below).

A year and a half later... Nov. 5, 2011

I know it's a different camera angle...I think this picture says a thousand words...

So while reflecting about my reflection I think I've determined my problem. My body is changing, my face looks different, my clothes don't fit right anymore. I'm not comfortable in smaller size clothes yet because I'm just not mentally there yet. I'm changing so much, but am I still the same person? Of course I am right? I know the answer is yes. I think....

In other news I successfully competed in the Battle of the Belles II at my gym! I had so much fun and really surprised myself. I finished all of the events. I didn't really know if I was going to be able to pull off any of it! I really proved to myself that I am strong, and I can do anything I set my mind to. 

I hope you enjoy some of the pictures from the competition!!!

 Part of a clean and press medley...89lb log
Farmer's Walk 105lbs per hand

 Pushing the jeep 
 Deadlifts...I maxed at 275lbs! eeek! super exciting =)
 300lb tire flips (check out my calf's so pretty!)
 Atlas stones....not my favorite...120 lbs

This picture of all us girls is my favorite...look at all the men taking our pictures =) HA! I love it.

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