Wednesday, February 27, 2013

so there's this muscle...

So there's this muscle called the illeotibial band a.k.a the IT band....well it's really a band of thick fibers that connects a whole lot of important muscles in your leg. Just talking about it brings back terrible memories of functional anatomy in college!! Apparently soreness and tightness is relatively normal for runners. Especially new/beginner runners. Well, my IT band and muscles around my IT band are TIGHT! Last week I started limping around the day after my long run because my muscles were just seized up. I finally called a chiropractor who I trust 100% and I'm getting better. I'm not hurt, my muscles are just rebelling. Not that I blame them, I've been putting my leg muscles through a ton of stress in the past few weeks. I've also become intimate with this thing I called a foam roller. I used to think foam rollers were a nice way to loosen up muscles, which is true...until you have really tight muscles...and then a foam roller becomes a torture machine. So you roll your body over a cylindrical dense foam roller, it looks almost like a giant rolling pin but without the handles. Your body weight massages tight muscles. Which is the point, but &#^!##@* I've never uttered so many swear words in such a short amount of time. 

But it helps! Foam rolling, ice and some good 'ole E-Stimm and I'll be back to running soon! Speaking of soon, my race is coming up QUICK! Have you been meaning to donate? Don't worry...there is still time...but not much!!! Fundraising deadline is March 8! Don't wait until the last minute, donate today!

So this race is apparently a big deal. I just read an article that over 15,000 runners are expected. Let me repeat...OVER 15,000 RUNNERS ARE EXPECTED AT THE RACE. Let me put this into perspective. I grew up in Watsontown, PA....a quite sleepy little town with a population of 2,351. I will be running with all the people in my town....times 6. That's ALOT of people. Hard to visualize? According to Google....this is what 15,000 people look like.....

That's insane. 

I also was ready about all of the elite athletes and Olympians that will be racing with me as a tune up run for numerous Marathons. It cracks me up that what will be one of my biggest life accomplishments is a tune-up for some people. I guess it's all a matter of perspective. I am so excited to be a part of something so big. Not just the amount of people, but in my efforts to help cure cancer and raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Sometimes it's easy to can I help...out of 15,000 people what does it matter if I run or not? How can $1 do anything?! I believe that the positive energy you emit from giving of your time and energy has just as much impact as the money itself. So thank you all who have cared enough to donate, you make a difference and I personally appreciate you more than you will ever know. 

Hope you all are having a great week! Spring is right around the corner...I hope!

<3 Kerry