This crazy thought has been running through my head for a few months now...and I've finally decided to do something about it. It all started when I joined Punch Gym, ever since I've had this need to one up myself in my fitness endeavors. First it was joining the gym, then it was participating in Battle of the Bells, then the push-up challenge, then a few 5ks, but now it's time for me to go big or go home.
On March 17, 2013 I will run the NYC Half Marathon. Reading over what I just typed is scary as hell. A half marathon is 13.1 miles....what am I nuts?! Yes, I am...but that was true even before I made this decision. What makes this less scary is the support I have through Team in Training. I've signed up with this organization because they will train and support me for free, and in return I will raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Now, I am still scared because well...we all know I'm not a runner. But I didn't used to be a fan of fitness let alone a strongwoman competitor, 5k runner, tire flipping, push-uping, bacon loving, paleo preaching, kettlebell fanatic either...and now I am. So I figure it really doesn't matter if I am a runner or not, right's what I'm willing to become.
This blog has been an outlet for my thoughts and feelings since I joined the gym and started losing weight, now it is morphing with me and will become an outlet for my half marathon training. I plan to keep you all updated with my progress. I want to keep track of my progress, and more importantly be an inspiration to others. If I can do this, so can everyone else.
Please consider donating to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. It is such an amazing organization. You can simply click on the "Donate Now" widget below, or by visiting my fundraising page for more information.
Thanks for reading and sticking with me through my ever changing journey,
Kerry <3