Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

 Happy New Year!!! Have you been planning and fun any exciting resolutions? This comic cracks me up, because it is SO TRUE! My resolution this year is a little different. I am going to complete a 12 month fitness challenge. By committing to these 12 activities, I'll be able to keep myself in check and active throughout the year. Let me know if you would like to join me in any of these events.  Also, if there are any events you want to participate in and need a friend, let me know!!

January 12 - Strongman Competition NJ
February 9 - Cupids 5k Hartford, CT
March 17 - Half Marathon NYC
April 27 - Color Me Rad 5k Hartford, CT
May 5 - Five Boro Bike Tour NYC (pending me buying a bike)
June 1 - JesVic5k Watsontown, PA
June 15 - *My Wedding* - sure to be a marathon in and of itself =)
July 26 - Sunset Run 5k Trumbull, CT
August 4 - Walnut Beach Ice Cream 5k Milford, CT
September 8 - Run Around The Block 15k Block Island, RI
October 13 - Steamtown Marathon Scranton, PA
November 28 - Turkey Trot Punch Gym Norwalk, CT
December - TBD (it will be a surprise!)

It's almost midnight...this will officially be my last post of 2012!!


p.s I'm watching CNN and I can't get enough of Anderson Cooper him!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

falling down, getting up, and lots of prayers

Saturday December 15, 2012
Today was rough. Physically. Emotionally. Mentally. In the wake of the awful shootings in Newtown, I didn't want to do anything today. I wanted to curl up on the couch, watch CNN, and cry.
But that wasn't going to fix anything. So I went on my run with Team in Training. This weekend I went to a new meeting place, at Walnut Beach in Milford, CT. There I met the event coach Cindy, and lots of new running friends. Jill, another coach, ran/walked with me. I was super nervous because today was a planned 5 mile course, and I had serious doubts that I could finish it.
I quickly learned that finishing wasn't going to be my biggest hurdle today. Not 5 minutes into the run I tripped and fell on the sidewalk. Not a dainty fall either, I felt myself going down, tried to recover, couldn't, fell onto my palms and drop rolled onto my back feet flailing in the air. It was definetly some double-o-seven moves. Thinking back it would have made a GREAT video...seriously funny stuff. After explaining to my running partner (and the poor concerned citizen walking on the other side of the street) that I was ok and I am no stranger to falling...I got up and just kept going. I am seriously one of the clumsiest people alive. I blame by big feet. I can't wait to tell my Mom about my fall, we love to reaccount all of my clumsy adventures growing up, numerous bicycle accidents, skinned knees, falling down stairs in college (completely sober inbetween classes), it's almost fitting that I would wipe out on my run too.
So besides that little "Snafu" the run went really well! Coach Cindy was awesome, she met us throughout the run with water and even let me try "power gel". I guess it's best to try out those sort of things before you do a real race to see what works with your stomach, I tried the chocolate power gel, which tasted sorta like raw brownie batter. I did intervals again, jogging 3 minutes, walking one minute. At around mile 4, we went to 2 minutes, 1 minute, but by the end we finished at 3:1 again. I felt great when the GPS showed us that we had gone 5.44 miles! Coach Cindy was waiting with chocolate milk and bananas and we took a picture by the beach.


I feel very grateful that I found such a wonderful and positive group of people to run with through Team in Training. We dedicated todays run to the victims of yesterdays shooting. I hope in the coming days the families of victims can find some peace admist the chaos.
Thanks again to all my friends and family for checking in on me throughout the past 48 hours. Keep praying, this area needs it.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

TNT Day 1...check!

They say starting is the hardest part. I think that's true. When I joined Punch Gym the hardest part was finding the courage to walk through the front door. Today, getting out of the car to meet these runners was an intense moment for me. Not just the scary fog, but just that moment of pure panic. Can I do this? Should I do this? What the hell is wrong with me? I'm not a runner...why am I here?! These people don't know me, I could drive away and they would never know the difference.

Except for Rachel. Thank God for Rachel, seriously having a friendly face expecting you makes all the difference in the world. Rachel goes to the gym with me, but I didn't meet her until the Fairfield 5k when she graciously let me run/walk with her the whole way.

So after pushing away all those negative thoughts, and seeing Rachel, I finally got out of my car. After introductions were made, we just started running. We ran 3 min, walk 1 minute for the majority of the 3 miles. The other runners in our group were "real" runners. I started to immediately get worried about holding them back because I'm slow...but again my pre conceived notions were wrong. At one point the coach Brian started running back towards us. I said are we turning around? Rachel says "no silly, he is just running with us". For the entire 3 miles the whole group ran together, the faster people would run head, then loop back around to make sure we were ok and so we all stuck together. I was super impressed.

Everyone was so nice too! No judging and so incredibly helpful and pleasent. I thought these experienced runners would get annoyed at me being so slow, bur again I was proved wrong.

When we were done and back at the cars the coach Brian gave Rachel and I purple Team In Training shirts. I was definetly sucking wind, and happy to be done, but this was a nice little surprise. And then the best part...."so you guys coming to the diner?!"

Hell Yes!!! I love diners and food!! They go every Sunday, which is incentive enough for me!! While eating I found out these runners were experienced beyond anything I could have ever imagined. Numerous half marathons, marathons, triatholons, and ironmans for all of them! I was sitting there with my bacon and eggs and all I could think about was how these are the people I need more of in my life.

I am so very excited about this new journey. I am still not very good at running, but I'm getting there. Surrounding myself with aTeam in Training people is exactly what I needed to do to start this next adventure :)

Thank for reading and taking an interest in my life :) Please consider donating to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society here --->

Sunday, November 4, 2012

It's not what you's what you're willing to become

This crazy thought has been running through my head for a few months now...and I've finally decided to do something about it. It all started when I joined Punch Gym, ever since I've had this need to one up myself in my fitness endeavors. First it was joining the gym, then it was participating in Battle of the Bells, then the push-up challenge, then a few 5ks, but now it's time for me to go big or go home.

On March 17, 2013 I will run the NYC Half Marathon. Reading over what I just typed is scary as hell. A half marathon is 13.1 miles....what am I nuts?! Yes, I am...but that was true even before I made this decision. What makes this less scary is the support I have through Team in Training. I've signed up with this organization because they will train and support me for free, and in return I will raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Now, I am still scared because well...we all know I'm not a runner. But I didn't used to be a fan of fitness let alone a strongwoman competitor, 5k runner, tire flipping, push-uping, bacon loving, paleo preaching, kettlebell fanatic either...and now I am. So I figure it really doesn't matter if I am a runner or not, right's what I'm willing to become.

This blog has been an outlet for my thoughts and feelings since I joined the gym and started losing weight, now it is morphing with me and will become an outlet for my half marathon training. I plan to keep you all updated with my progress. I want to keep track of my progress, and more importantly be an inspiration to others. If I can do this, so can everyone else.

Please consider donating to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. It is such an amazing organization. You can simply click on the "Donate Now" widget below, or by visiting my fundraising page for more information.

Thanks for reading and sticking with me through my ever changing journey,

Kerry <3

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Learn to Dance in the Rain

 Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. Live life to the fullest. Seize the day. Just do it. All of these catchy quotes mean basically the same thing, and they all are increasingly meaningful to me as I continue on my journey through this crazy thing called life.

Nothing makes you think about life more than death. My Great-Grandmother Helen passed away a few weeks ago. She was 104 years old. I am so lucky, I can't remember life without her. This picture to the right is Great Grandma at age 80 when I was only a few months old. She taught me so many things. My brother and I learned how to play poker at Great Grandma's house, and to my parent's embarrassment we proudly made that announcement at children's word during the next Sunday morning's church service. Once, Great Grandma came to visit and taught us how to make homemade pierogi's. She had an amazing sense of humor. One time we visited her in the nursing home; we woke her up after she had fallen asleep to tell her we had arrived in TX. She opened her eyes, looked around at all of us and said "Well...I guess I'm not dead yet!" my immediate response was "Well, I sure hope not!". She and the rest of the family burst out laughing. Great-Grandma knew exactly what I was doing with my life, she is probably the only person who knows that I'm an Occupational Therapist(not a physical therapist, nurse, or a teacher), and she knew exactly what that meant. I brought my fiance (boyfriend at the time) to meet her one summer, and the next time I went to visit before even saying hello she demanded to know where that "nice young man" was. My father kept her up on all our lives in his weekly letters to her, but she also truly cared about her family and friends. My Great Grandma has always been a source of inspiration and motivation in my life, and as I continue on this fitness and weight loss journey she is my ever present source of strength. She was the strongest person I know, and if she could make it through 104 years of life then I can do this. 

So what have I been doing? My little baby brother graduated from college in May. He is now attending graduate school in Boulder, CO for his Ph.D in Physical Chemistry. Go to youtube, watch a clip of "The Big Bang Theory". I think my brother Sheldon, I mean Andrew's life is quite similar =)

In June, I ran a 5k race with my awesome gym friends. I made a new friend and surprised myself by being able to jog intervals with her and finish the race without feeling awful. So now I bought myself a fancy Nike Sportwatch which  helps me keep track of 3 minute run, 1 minute walk intervals. So far this week I have ran 3 times. The nice thing about being a beginner runner is that every time you run, you make some kind of improvement.

I haven't weighed myself lately. The scale can be a source of motivation - but can also be a huge source of anxiety. The number on the scale is not as important as how your clothes fit, or how you feel. When I eat right and exercise consistently I feel amazing. Now that I am running more frequently, I hope to increase my cardio endurance and stamina. I keep surprising myself at the gym by being able to use heavier and heavier kettlebells. As I get stronger, I get leaner. My arms are getting smaller, and my body shape is morphing. I love what is happening to my body. It's not always about your looks, but the thought of wedding dress shopping in the not so distant future sure can get you through some tough workouts =) The picture to the left is me trying on my very first LBD (little black dress). I am not a dress person, probably because they never looked good on me....but I love this picture, I think I look as good as I feel for the first time ever. And yes, I bought the dress and received many compliments while wearing it =)

In other news, Jay and I are moving soon! We found a house to rent in Monroe, CT in a very residential area. We will be across the street from a golf course, less than a mile from a winery, and have a big yard for Bear. I am excited, but stressed at the thought of moving again - this will be my 4th move in 2 years. I should be good at moving by now! Hope everyone is enjoying life, and thanks for reading! <3

Monday, April 23, 2012

Push ups, Races and Flashbacks...Oh My!

My dear friend Molly reminded me just now that I haven't updated my blog in awhile...oops! Thanks for the reminder Boo, and just because I love you here is a fabulous picture of us from forever and ages ago =) 

FLASHBACK! ------------->

So what have I been up to? 

In March I participated in St. Jude Children's Hospital push-up challenge. I asked friends and family to donate 50 cents or $1 for every push up that I could complete in 90 seconds. I ended up with a grand total of 36 push ups! I raised over $600 towards Punch Gym's grand total of $4,000. A huge THANK YOU to all my friends and family who supported me for this event!!!
(push ups) 

On April 1st I ran my very first 5k race! I finished in about 43 minutes which I think is a pretty good starting place. I certainly have room for improvement...but I am extremely proud of myself that I even finished! I jog/walked it, maybe one of these days I'll be able to run the entire time.

(5k race)

This is the Punch Gym crew "Team Punch" that ran the 5k....2 other people ran but didn't make the picture because they were too busy running a half marathon *eek!* 

Here is Jay and I at the finish line...I think it would make a GREAT engagement picture....poster Dad's office. HA! Just kidding!!!

In other news the school year is almost over! With the final stretch comes last minute reports, stressful meetings, and lots of paperwork. I've been trying very hard to stay diligent to my Primal/Paleo lifestyle...but life just gets in the way sometimes. I'm not making excuses! I'm just being honest. My biggest temptations are pizza and ice cream *sigh* I am also lazy, so I have to be very careful to keep healthy food in the house at all times, or I am much more likely to cheat.  I look forward to the summer when I only work half days and can put more time into planning meals and go to the gym every day. That being said I continue to steadily lose weight (not nearly as much as I did last summer) but that gives me even more reason to be excited about this summer! I feel stronger than ever...even though I whine and roll my eyes a lot in class...I really enjoy using heavier and heavier weights. I even think being physically stronger has made me mentally stronger and more assertive in my professional life. 

Oh p.s and by the way......I am officially a size 14 pant size, bordering on a size 12. That in and of itself is AWESOME! =D 
(oh my!)

Hope everyone is doing well and thanks for reading! 

Love Always,
Kerry & Bear (my 4-legged editor)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

How far will you go?

     I don't really have a bucket list - but if I did hiking the Phoneline Trail in Tuscon, AZ would be near the top. Let me explain. My cousins (on Dad's side) live in Tuscon, AZ. For as long as I can remember we have been going to AZ to visit family. The last time I went was in 2008. The one and only hike I did,  I remember being miserable. Looking back it probably was because I was incredibly overweight and completely out of shape. Anyway - my brother and Dad did the 9 mile  Phoneline Trail, which is a hike into and out of Sabino Canyon in Tuscon, AZ....I stayed "with the girls" and went shopping instead. At the time it didn't think it bothered me, but looking back it bothered me immensely. I just wouldn't (maybe couldn't?) admit it to myself. 

     After seeing my weight loss success, Bob & Vicki invited me to AZ specifically to hike the Phoneline Trail. I immediately started making plans, that's when I started realizing how much starting and finishing that hike would mean to me. It was something that wasn't even an option a few years ago because of my health. Completing this hike through the desert has been my goal ever since.

     I have to admit that I was nervous I wouldn't be able to finish it. First of all I am not a quiet person, I've told EVERYONE my goal, and what if I let everyone down? Most importantly I was scared I would let myself down. However, *dramatic drum roll please* I DID IT!! We finished the 9 mile hike in about 6 hours. I proved so much to myself, I don't know if it has even all sunk in yet. 

     So here we go, things I have learned by hiking 6 hours through the desert...

1. I am in no way shape or form the same girl I used to be...and that's ok.
2. All those hours at Punch Gym have really paid off!!!
3. I can do anything I set my mind to.
4. As long as you keep putting one step in front of the other you will eventually reach your goal.
5. Band-aids are super important to remember on long hikes!
6. Nature is beautiful. 
7. Drink water, and then drink more water.
8. Nothing is as humbling as having a 70s-ish year old couple blow by you on the trail.
9. I need to really work on my cardio endurance.
10. Mental strength is just as important as physical strength.

     One amazing unexpected gift was a disc of pictures that Bob has taken over the years (THANKS BOB!!).  Looking back to the last time I was in AZ I literally started crying. I don't remember ever looking like I do in the pictures. I went through such a broad range of emotions from shock, anger and disbelief eventually to happiness and pride at how far I've come.

     I've come such a long way, but I will be the first to admit I have a long way to go. I think this vacation has given me the inspiration and breath of fresh air that I needed to re-charge and remind myself to keep pluggin along. Reflecting on the past has always been the best motivation for me. 

     Hope everyone has been enjoying the mild winter, and I'm personally praying that spring/summer/sunshine comes sooner rather than later =)

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go." 
-- T.S. Eliot

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

20 seconds of insane courage

Happy New Year!

     It is now 2012, my wedding is still more than a year away.....17 months and 12 days to be exact (Thanks Jay, my hunky human calculator!) The resolution I made last year was the same as every other year: lose weight. I joined a gym but slowly stopped going (as usual) and kind of gave up (as usual). Then I joined Punch Gym in May...not because of a resolution, but because I finally became so disgusted with myself I needed to take drastic measures. I am an excellent procrastinator and an even better excuse maker.  Finding Punch Gym in Norwalk, CT was the best discovery I have ever made. Punch Gym has really given me the support I need to make the changes I desperately needed to make in my life. The trainers are the most amazing people I've ever met. They should hate me for all the whining and complaining I do in class, but instead they push me hard, and stay positive 24/7... I am so lucky and blessed to have found them. 

     Since joining (May, 2010) I became a "Rockstar" of the month in October, competed in a Strongwomen competition later that month, won the gym's Body Balance Challenge in November, and an essay contest about what Art of Strength (the type and theory of exercises we do at Punch) over Thanksgiving. I feel overwhelmed looking back at it all. I don't know what I thought was going to happen....but I did not for-see any events of the last few months.  My latest discovery is that since May I have lost 50 pounds. Here is my very first "before and after" picture.

     I can't talk about my success without mentioning my new Primal lifestyle. The key to my success has been nutritional counseling from Stef Tropea and following the "Primal Blueprint". It's not a diet, it's eating in a nutritious and natural way that your body craves. By eating more meat, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats and cutting out processed foods, grains, starchy foods and sugar I have seen HUGE results compared to just exercising. When I do eat  processed foods (like I did over the holidays) I feel sluggish and crappy. The past week I've gone back to purely primal and I feel amazing. I have enough energy to work 10 hours and throw in a 45 minute workout at Punch before heading home to cook dinner, take care of the dog and  finish writing reports (and updating this blog LOL). When I'm not eating primal I simply can't do it. When you stuff yourself full of chemicals and fake processed food your body naturally rebels and shuts down. Optimally fueling your body turns losing 10-20 pounds into 50 pounds.

     So it's a new year, meaning new resolutions correct? I never made a goal of how much weight I wanted to lose because in the past when I've reached that certain I think "Yeah! I can cheat now!" and I don't want to give myself that temptation. I think the most important resolution for me is to keep showing up for workouts. If I show up I have all the faith in the world that my trainers will push me for results...there is no slacking off at my gym, you show up and you are guaranteed an intense workout. You just have to take a deep breath and walk through the doors. I just saw "We Bought a Zoo" and my new favorite quote is...

" Yου know, sometimes аll уου need іѕ twenty seconds οf insane courage. Jυѕt literally twenty seconds οf јυѕt embarrassing bravery. And I promise уου, something grеаt wіll come οf іt."

Enough said.